Answer 30 questions to find out how much your business currently depends on you. Let's go!

What size is your company?
How old is your company?
How often do you stay over time?
When was the last time you've taken a 2 week holiday?
When on holidays...
When I am away from the company...
Which answer is true when it comes to your sector's expertise...
When I take days off...
During the weekends...
At the end of my company's normal working hours...
Do you deal with customer orders?
If I was away for 6 months, my company would collapse in...
If I disappeared for six months, my company would continue to grow without me...
Your customers...
Which sentence best describes your company's financial awareness?
Which sentence best describes your company's systems and procedures...
Who opens and closes the business?
Who has access to your bank account and who makes the majority of payments?
Which answer is true...
Which sentence best describes your state...
When I wake up...
When I don't feel well or I simply don't feel like going to work today...
When I am not at work...
How many existing employees would you enthusiastically rehire, knowing what you know now?
Do your employees know exactly what they have been employed to do?
Do your employees have clear targets/goals (daily, weekly or monthly)?
When it comes to implementing new ideas...
Which sentence best describes your company's approach towards employing family members and friends...
When it comes to my managers...
When I am not present for a meeting...


Unit 9

Fairway Trading Estate, Fairway Close

TW4 6BU, London